Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Best Domicile - Etsy Spotlight: Borianam

 Abstract Art past times Boriana Mihailovska on Etsy BEST HOME - ETSY SPOTLIGHT: BorianaM
Abstract White Head ($18+)

People tell that you lot conduct maintain to see fine art amongst your pump together with non amongst your eyes, together with that's what hooked me amongst Boriana Mihailovska's impeccable abstract portraits. They spoke correct into my heart. They made me experience things. They were brought to life correct the commencement 2nd I saw them, grasped my attention, took my manus together with traveled me to unspoken paths of memory, loss together with love. It is this sort of gallery character fine art that ane tin invest on without 2nd thoughts at the ease of a push click through the incredible collection of artworks inwards her store, varying from large scale master copy pieces to smaller ones together with budget friendly printed versions of them. 
Follow later the boundary to read Boriana's interview together with also discovery a discount code for her store at the bottom of this post.

Tell us a picayune flake most yourself together with your store.

I’m an creative someone currently based inwards Sofia, Bulgaria. I conduct maintain a Master of fine art aeroplane inwards Fine arts from the Bulgarian National Academy of Arts. As long equally I graduated I gave nativity to my commencement daughter. And the focus of my dedication moved from my fine art to my family. So I’d postponed my creative aspirations for a while. Then amongst the nativity of my 2nd daughter, I was feeling to a greater extent than comfortable. Along amongst my self-confidence inwards identify unit of measurement my wishing to create my ain fine art came dorsum together with I accepted a colleague proffer to percentage his studio for a while. Step past times pace I started to function ane time to a greater extent than together with when the chance to conduct maintain a studio nearby habitation arose I had no doubts to rent it. I decided to opened upwards an ETSY shop together with sell fine art prints of my originals to encompass my function expenses together with launch my career equally an artist. Meanwhile, I had been working equally a jewelry together with habitation accessories designer, I’ve designed for commercials together with TV spots, I’ve worked inwards cinema productions - all of this experience influenced somehow my artwork together with the administration of my shop.

 Abstract Art past times Boriana Mihailovska on Etsy BEST HOME - ETSY SPOTLIGHT: BorianaM
Abstract White Head ($18+)
 Abstract Art past times Boriana Mihailovska on Etsy BEST HOME - ETSY SPOTLIGHT: BorianaM
Female Black White Pencil Drawing Print ($30+)

What is it that makes your products special?

It’s the Gyclee technology scientific discipline that allows reproducing an icon high quality. It’s the same ane that museums together with fine art galleries purpose to brand reproductions. Printed out on peculiarly designed heavy fine fine art newspaper amongst archival inks amongst high life expectancy, each impress is non solely simply about the master copy but becomes an artwork. And each of them is hand-signed from me. 

What products conduct maintain you lot enjoyed working on the most together with why?

During the years I’d received requests for original works, but thought I’d crusade to endure moderate, the cost arrive at had been an obstruction for some clients to invest inwards my art. So I decided to trim the scale together with start a collection of small master copy works. Which appeared to endure a huge challenge for I had ever been working the bigger I could to endure to a greater extent than expressive. And ane time I’d dramatically reduced the formats I was afraid to lose the ability together with temper I had been used to. But It had appeared to endure an interesting together with thrilling experience. And I’m fully enjoining it now.

 Abstract Art past times Boriana Mihailovska on Etsy BEST HOME - ETSY SPOTLIGHT: BorianaM
Modern Minimalist Art Print  ($75+)
 Abstract Art past times Boriana Mihailovska on Etsy BEST HOME - ETSY SPOTLIGHT: BorianaM
Vanishing Head ($27+)

What influences your work?

People...Nature, of course, but what propels me most are people. Strong personalities, visionaries, individuals amongst ideas, open-minded people whose curiosity tin transform a notion into a reality. People hungry for answers, tracing their difficult but unique path. I larn strongly touched past times acts of grit, compassion, kindness, courage. Each of my abstract portraits is non simply a visual creation of the outer physicality but also an assertion of one’s inner virtues together with features.

 Abstract Art past times Boriana Mihailovska on Etsy BEST HOME - ETSY SPOTLIGHT: BorianaM
 Abstract Art past times Boriana Mihailovska on Etsy BEST HOME - ETSY SPOTLIGHT: BorianaM
 Abstract Art past times Boriana Mihailovska on Etsy BEST HOME - ETSY SPOTLIGHT: BorianaM

Describe your studio. What exercise you lot similar the most most it?

I dearest my studio. Though it’s pocket-size It has a stunning persuasion over the metropolis to the mountain. It’s a walking distance through a beautiful commons together with gives me the luxury to isolate from the basis together with focus on my work.

 Abstract Art past times Boriana Mihailovska on Etsy BEST HOME - ETSY SPOTLIGHT: BorianaM
Small Original Painting ($115)
 Abstract Art past times Boriana Mihailovska on Etsy BEST HOME - ETSY SPOTLIGHT: BorianaM
Persons Large Original Contemporary Art ($1900)

Tell us a feedback from a client that lay a grinning on your face.

Best characteristic of having an ETSY store is the unopen come across amongst the clients. I’ve never imagined that my function mightiness accomplish then many together with diverse people all over the world. Few days agone I’ve read inwards an Instagram postal service that ane of my clients has never had the courage to invest inwards fine art until the 2nd he’s got fond inwards a function of mine. Then he’s bought it together with that has encouraged him to deepen his curiosity inwards art.

Boriana is kindly offering a 15% off inwards her store amongst coupon code BM15OFF for purchases of $100 together with to a greater extent than (valid until the cease of the year)

You tin discovery Boriana on Instagram, Pinterest together with her site.

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