Thursday, March 28, 2019

Best Abode 1 Of A Sort Ceiling In Addition To Other Changes

Long fourth dimension agone when I merely moved to my novel house, i of the rooms that I couldn't hold off to transform was this picayune pulverization room.

It's then small, only 90" 10 32".  It tin solely suit the lavatory (to i side of that door), in addition to a pocket-size sink (to the other side).

This is how it looks now when the door is opened upwards in addition to you lot merely motion into the principal door!

At that fourth dimension I wanted to exercise drama. I was loving all variety of rigid colors. Being this, such a pocket-size room I decided to larn bold amongst its decor.

How well-nigh a textured golden ceiling in addition to ruby-red walls??

Yes!! That's what I did. :)
All manifestly white walls in addition to ceiling were no more.  I also replaced a towel bar for a gallery of pictures from a Paris calendar.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Paintable Textured Wallcovering amongst a gilt leafage kit in addition to crown molding transformed the ceiling from blah, to aha!

Check the corners on the crown molding. My FIRST endeavor to install crown molding!
Those corners remind me how much I failed that root time. :/
After trying all twenty-four hours long, I decided to larn in addition to purchase those corners instead of wasting the molding, in addition to money.

Well, that was similar nine years ago.  The golden ceiling in addition to ruby-red walls stayed for quite long. Two years agone I was gear upwards for change.
I went dorsum to white in addition to I actually honey how it looks amongst all that texture!

That dorsum wall was painted the same color every bit the remainder of the others rooms, SW -Requisite Gray.  I yet honey the Paris gallery wall. ;)

On that pocket-size wall behind the jhon I installed those cubes that I constitute at a thrift store.

But, this is non a reveal.  Right at that topographic point is where my latest occupation occurred.

When I was installing a shelf inward the cupboard correct adjacent to that correct wall, the vibration from the hammering made a bottle autumn from the overstep cube correct within the jhon! >:(
It got damaged!!  I quest to larn lav shopping. Not fun.

To the other halt of the room is the pedestal sink in addition to mirror, in addition to that's it.  Oh, wait...  Can you lot come across what the arrow is pointing at?? Well, it's a big hole that picayune Matt created when pulling the towel from the ring. :s

Overall I similar this room.  It needs storage solutions though,  new toilet, peradventure a novel mirror in addition to a novel light.

Of course, installing the band for the towel is a projection that picayune Mat is going to aid me with.  That would stop him from using the towel every bit a swing.

New floating shelves were built to supplant the storage cubes, click HERE for the tutorial.

And changing the lav was easier than I thought. Click HERE for about tips on how to exercise that!

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