Friday, March 29, 2019

Best Domicile Chandelier Spruce Up

Is it Spring or Summer the ane arriving inwards a pair of days??  The atmospheric condition here's been warm or perchance I should say, HOT! All this calendar week is going to live inwards the 80's! when it should been simply about the 50's or 60's?  Well, I'm non complaining.

I've been pretty busy preparing things for Easter.  My sis is visiting in addition to I desire to accept everything create hence nosotros tin accept enough of fourth dimension to become shopping in addition to shopping!  yeah, that's why she is coming, good too checking on her ol' sista.

I'm trying to give my dinning room a springy feel.  That's a room nosotros don't purpose that much, that agency I don't encounter it everyday, hence I endeavor non to bother alongside it that much! There are lots of things I desire to create to it but they tin waaaaait.

Ok, dorsum to the Springy experience I desire to give to it.  Do y'all retrieve this Chandelier says Spring?

I promise so, because that's what kept me busy close of the weekend.

First, let's become dorsum to what I had; this beautiful brass chandelier was non hence inspiring whatever more.

But then, like two years ago, I couldn't stand upward it whatever longer.. in addition to I painted it black.

I added some Christmas decorations in addition to I idea it couldn't await whatever better. Well, those decorations stayed in that place until final week. hmmm in addition to I think they were in that place for 2 years.

Some how the room felt sad. I needed to modify the chandelier, but earlier doing hence I wanted to give it some other look, for the season. ;)

Once again, spray epitome it.👍

I constitute out is amend to wrap the "plastic candles" alongside a slice of plastic, securing it alongside ane of those grocery store ties.  Last fourth dimension I painted it I used painters record in addition to it was harder for me to wrap the tape around.

When it was all painted, it looked similar this:

Fine, right? but it needed some pizzazz.  On my trip to the Dollar Store to larn some Easter treats for the kids, the drinking glass beads to fill upward vases got my attention. They had a proficient colouring assortment, in addition to for ane buck each, I gotta give them a try.  I got three.

At abode I kept thinking of a way to connect them to the chandelier?  I however don't know what form of mucilage sticks to glass? I checked Super Glue, nope, Liquid Nails, nope! I didn't desire to become purchase something expensive.  
The matter I had simply about the house that worked, was tape. Adhering the stringing to the bead.

Like this, placing the picayune pieces of record on overstep of the bead string on the dorsum of each drinking glass bead.

I tied 2 beaded strings in addition to hung them onto the chandelier. I gauge it would've been easier to create exclusively ane but longer, hence no tying needed.

I was afraid of the record coming loose, hence far everything is belongings up. Even though I don't recommend y'all using this for a real long time. I'm going to accept them there, later on on I'll permit y'all know when they get down falling.


You tin banking enterprise stand upward for how nicely it sets the musical note for my Easter Tablescape HERE.

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