Thursday, March 28, 2019

Best Dwelling My Latest Find!

My terminal postal service was virtually how much I honey summer. I actually do!
I honey the hot weather Summer time brings, but when at that spot is likewise much of something, I justice is non likewise good. :/

My region, the Washington D.C. area,  was ane of the ones hitting yesteryear terminal Friday's powerful thunderstorms. My neighborhood was left without electricity. :(

Can you lot imagine that?

TWO days without ability as well as the temperature exterior almost 100 degrees??

It was NOT fun.

All hateful solar daytime Sabbatum nosotros tried to remain away from home.  On Dominicus this was ane of the ways my boy as well as his friends were tolerating the high temperature.

As I write this postal service at that spot are yet thousands without power. I really, really wish it tin last restored soon, it is a nightmare to last without it.

Moving on,  I am sooo happy amongst my latest find.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 crib.

Let me tell you lot virtually it.  First of all, NO! I am non expecting a baby.
One of my sisters as well as her lit babe man child (well, he is more similar a toddler now, xviii mo.), are visiting and I desire to brand their remain every bit comfortable every bit possible, as well as then every bit before long every bit I saw this beautiful crib on Craiglist I knew I had to accept it.

 My footling visitor is going to accept his ain prophylactic place.  Mama is certain going to slumber improve keeping plenty distance from her boy. ;)

Look at this beautiful crib.

Great lines. or should I country curves?

Those circular feet are some other of my faves!

Oh, I honey it!  The best business office is that it was entirely $40, and it can be used amongst some other parts every bit a total size bed.

I haven't decided yet what is going to happened to the crib after the visitors leave, but I went to see some possibilities only about weblog land.

Check them out:

As a Note Holder by Katie at Creatively Living

My terminal postal service was virtually how much I honey summertime BEST HOME My latest find!

Another version by NewlyWeds on a Budget

My terminal postal service was virtually how much I honey summertime BEST HOME My latest find!

As a Bench  yesteryear Gail at  My Repurposed Life

My terminal postal service was virtually how much I honey summertime BEST HOME My latest find!

Or a plate rack yesteryear Gail at  Someday Crafts

My terminal postal service was virtually how much I honey summertime BEST HOME My latest find!

How virtually a desk yesteryear Achados de Decoracao

My terminal postal service was virtually how much I honey summertime BEST HOME My latest find!

Here a smaller version yesteryear A Little Learning for Two.

My terminal postal service was virtually how much I honey summertime BEST HOME My latest find!

There are many possibilities, that for directly are on hold. I kickoff involve to become as well as gear upward it upward every bit it's intended because my visitor is coming soon.

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