Friday, March 29, 2019

Best Habitation Adding Visual Involvement Too Peak To Your Fireplace

Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace

I wanted the fireplace to last the focal quest inwards my solid unit of measurement room.  
I was likewise going to receive got a large t.v. inwards this room, but I didn't want the t.v. to accept pump stage.   
The top dog finish inwards this room was to hand the fireplace visual involvement too height, balancing the whole infinite (kitchen too solid unit of measurement room), on i side of this large room is the arrive at hood too on the other side the fireplace.
Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace
These are the parts of a fireplace
This is how it looked before:
Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace
Nothing upward there, I only had that ugly picture!
The next pictures demonstrate an slow agency to create the over-mantel:

-The whole construction was built out of  ½” MDF.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 large slice of MDF was attached to the wall (nailed to the studs). The dimensions for this slice are taken according to what yous have.  The width should last the same every bit inwards the lower share of the fireplace too the peak would last the distance from the overstep of the mantel shelf all the agency to the ceiling.
Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace

-Right on overstep of this slice I attached some other i similar this:
Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace

-Two to a greater extent than pieces were attached on each side, the width of these pieces should last the same every bit the legs of the fireplace.
Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace

-One to a greater extent than at the bottom:
Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace

-Next, the crown molding at the overstep (definitely, do makes perfect. This time, my 3rd fourth dimension dealing alongside this molding, it was a cinch to install it). If yous receive got problem alongside the crown corners click HERE to encounter how to do it.
Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace

-A narrow strip of molding (base cap) was attached below the crown.
Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace

This base of operations cap molding was installed all around the room.  The slice of wall inwards betwixt this molding too the crown molding is painted the same color to hand the illusion of a built upward or upgraded crown.
Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace

-Finally, a much smaller slice of molding ½” was attached all around the pump to comprehend the oil edges of the MDF, every bit shown:
Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace

For your reference, hither are the dimensions of what I used.  The ceiling is 9' tall.

To complete it up, all the gaps too holes were filled alongside caulking, hence sanded too painted, next the steps taken for painting the kitchen cabinets.
Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace
Hubby demonstrate upward at the halt only to accept pics!
I cleaned the firebox, scraping the within walls to larn rid of rust.  Two coats of spray pigment Rust-Oleum High Heat were applied to the within every bit good every bit the exterior of this firebox (I was happy to comprehend that brass color on the bottom panel).  Protect or comprehend all the other contiguous areas from getting this dark paint!
Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace
Rust-Oleum High Heat Spray Paint
This is how it looks alongside the overmantel:
Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace
I only installed crown molding at the overstep of the overmantel. I didn't install it around the room because of my budget. That’s something I receive got to do afterwards on.

Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace

You tin encounter how it looks all dressed upward for my family room tour here:
Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace

Or here, for Valentine's day:

Add visual involvement too peak to your fireplace BEST HOME Adding Visual Interest too Height to your Fireplace

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