Thursday, March 28, 2019

Best Domicile Diy - Floating Shelves

I showed you this piddling pulverisation room HERE,  I told you lot that overall I similar this modest bath but in that location were roughly issues I wanted to address.

The almost of import matter nosotros accept to create correct instantly is modify the lavatory, it got impairment when the piddling bottle on the minute shelf (picture below), savage as well as cracked the bowl.

In the meantime I demand to fix what displace that problem, storage space. That's the primary work because those shelves await good, only they don't agree that much.

My solution:  To install iii floating shelves.

You tin banking concern fit the next video for consummate instructions or you lot tin maintain reading the story.

I took off those boxes as well as traced degree lines where I wanted to install the shelves.

Since they were going to endure floating shelves, a cleat was installed to the wall to agree the shelves.  For the cleats I used the cheapest form of 1x2s.  They were screwed to the wall alongside anchors where needed, as well as alongside nails to the studs.

When all the cleats were installed, it was a skilful fourth dimension to fill inward the holes as well as pigment the wall.
Then, it was fourth dimension to create the shelves.  This is the fabric I used for the panels:
Not without removing those 2x4s as well as the hundreds of staples they were attached with.
I measured, cut, as well as sanded the panels.
I didn't bother to create total all those holes.
The panels as well as the 1x3 forepart boards were as well as thus stained.
For each shelf cover I used:
  • 2  -  32" x ½" x 8"   panels
  • 1  -  32" x 1" x 3"    board
For each shelf frame I used:
  • 1  -  30" x 1" x 2"
  • 2  -    5" x 1" x 2"  
The 1x2 pieces of woods where nailed inward betwixt 2 panels  similar this:
Then, the 1x3 board was nailed to the front.
A look of the inside:
The shelves were as well as thus mounted onto the cleats on the wall.
Here, the iii of them.
I found the perfect spot to display the one dollar find I got at the flea market, roughly decorative bottles, books, vases, towels...
as well as of course of report a handbasket for extra rolls of newspaper that I couldn't shop inward the room before.
I similar both, my earlier as well as subsequently picture, only what I similar the almost is having to a greater extent than storage space. :)
 I told you lot that overall I similar this modest bathroom BEST HOME DIY - Floating Shelves
Check the novel styling on the shelves correct HERE.
 I told you lot that overall I similar this modest bathroom BEST HOME DIY - Floating Shelves
Our next project: installing the novel toilet.    

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