Thursday, March 28, 2019

Best Dwelling Changes To My Girl's Room

It's been a blessing having a daughter, a miss to clothing upward inwards the cutest outfits, a miss to play all those girly things nosotros used to play ourselves when nosotros were young!  I've been having a corking fourth dimension decorating her room since she was a babe girl.

The exclusively bad affair is I convey no pictures of her plant nursery room.  That was inwards the former house.

When nosotros moved to the novel ane I knew the first place inwards the house to survive decorated was my precious piddling girl's room.

At the fourth dimension she was therefore much into the serial Dragon Tales, it was a no brainer what the room was going to survive about.

I painted dragons, mountains, trees, together with a castle all around.

It was lots of painting, but oh well, I had the time. 

The cookie tree yet missing the cookies. My customer nicely telling me where to set them.

Life continued together with when the novel improver to the family, babe boy, was almost arriving, I changed this room into a babe blueish nursery, together with large sis went to a bigger room.

But the bigger room was decorated for Abuelita.  She was the exclusively ane who could grip all those flowers!  :)

Wow! What was I thinking??  Seriously! Headboard, coverlet, shades, 2 tablecloths amongst the same blossom pattern. Crazy!  Now I know why Grandma didn't rest long.

Well, the room was therefore painted pink, pinkish together with purple, my daughters favorite colors at that time.

I took off the headboard molding pieces, stapled a novel layer of batten on occur of the existing cloth design, and

added a nicer less complicated, miss friendlier fabric.

I but stenciled a edge to split the 2 tones of pinkish on the wall.

I was loving those low-cal pinkish tones.  Now my miss was a piddling princess! I could hardly await to sew together pinkish curtains, pinkish tablecloths, pinkish tutus; you lot advert it, PINK!

Pink fine art was also added to the room.

Pink, majestic together with low-cal green.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 uncomplicated pinkish room for my princess.

together with she loved it!

Until non likewise far ago!  When she confessed to me that she could non stand upward pinkish anymore. :( 

I was sad!

I understood her. She was non a piddling miss anymore.

The pinkish has to go! Purple tin stay, inwards piddling dosis she said.

Now her novel color friend was blue. But non that blue. No!  Now she wanted to convey a NAVY BLUE room!  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 proper desk together with a window seat.

For certain she is growing together with having her ain tell on the things she wants.

I'll survive telling you lot most the changes to survive made to larn her the Navy Blue Room.

Psss! Her Navy Blue Room is all done, depository fiscal establishment check it out HERE.

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