This is a real tardily projection you lot tin hit inwards most an hour. I spent a proficient sum of fourth dimension looking for supplies. I don't cause got a laid infinite for my crafts, they are all closed to the house. So, fifty-fifty alongside all that wasted fourth dimension it was closed to an hour.
Drop cloth stuff was used for this project, you lot tin likewise purpose burlap. Cut it to your table's dimension. The end measuring for mine was 96" x 17", I made it that long in addition to hence I tin fifty-fifty purpose it when adding 1 extra leafage to the table.
Using a sewing machine larn all closed to the drib cloth making a double-turn hem. Take payoff of the already hemmed sides on the drib cloth. I alone hemmed 2 sides.
For ikon the stripes, I was inspired past times this PB burlap hanging flag.
Pottery Barn |
Use painter's record to practice the lines. It doesn't cause got to live on perfect, you lot tin totally eye-ball those lines.
Once the record is inwards house you lot tin get ikon the stripes.
Yes, Sharpies ARE allowed if you're running out of stuff paint! :) It goes fifty-fifty faster!
When the ikon is finished you lot tin take away the tape, allow the pigment dry out in addition to your tabular array runner is done.
Ready to cause got middle phase on the table.
Some to a greater extent than red, white in addition to blue accessories...
And it's fourth dimension to celebrate!
Have a wonderful day!
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